• Chart of Accounts (Groups and Ledgers), Import from CSV/Export to XLS
  • Dynamic Entry Types (Receipt, Payment, Contra, Journal, etc)
  • Ledger account reconciliation
  • Tag entries
  • Reports include Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Trial Balance and Ledger Statement, Reconciliation Report, etc
  • Download Reports in PDF format
  • User authentication and roles
  • User action logs
  • Full support for MySQL database transactions to maintain data integrity
  • Support for multiple accounts

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Databases Size

Server 12 GB RAM-6 CPU Cores

Daily Backup

Secure Service

support 24/7

** Demo login **

username : demo

password : demo123456

The price does not include hosting

after purchasing, within 24 hours, you will receive an email containing a link to your copy and your username and password

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